The Inspection Form no longer uses a grading system. The only responses for a certificate which will receive approval are "Yes" or "N/A" for "Not Applicable." Any "N/A" responses must be accompanied by written explanations from the inspecting veterinarian. (Acceptable explanations would be, for example, that a facility which raises only waterfowl does not require hand-feeding formula.)
If any questions cannot be answered with "Yes" or with a legitimate "N/A" explanation, do not submit the application or the fee until all the conditions have been met.
The following items must be included when the application is submitted:
The Guidelines do not require input from the applicant and should not be mailed with the application. Applicants may wish to retain copies in their personal files, particularly of the Guidelines.
A copy of the Guidelines should be given to the veterinarian as a reference to be used during inspection.
Please contact a member of the MAP BOD for the current mailing address.
Preparing for MAP Certification:
Submitting Your Application:
About the Organization: