Model Aviculture Certification Process

People who write or call requesting an Application Form, receive a set of Guidelines and Instructions on how to prepare for the inspection process. MAP applicants send a completed Application, with the appropriate fee, to the MAP office.

The fee for the first inspection is $50.00 for 15 or fewer flights, cages, and/or pens, and $100.00 for 16 and more flights, cages, and/or pens (the renewal fee is half the original fee: $25.00 and $50.00). After the first two years, renewal is every other year.

The Application includes basic address information on the applicant and his/her veterinarian of choice. The MAP office sends a numbered Inspection Form (in triplicate) and MAP Guidelines to the applicant or the applicant's veterinarian. The applicant makes an appointment with the veterinarian (the applicant is responsible for paying the veterinarian for the inspection visit). The veterinarian inspects the facilities, management and husbandry practices, and record keeping procedures. The Inspection Form is returned to MAP, in triplicate, and processed. Questions are weighed. Applicants who pass the inspection are provided with a signed and numbered MAP Certificate and MAP Logos for use on business cards, letterhead, or in advertising.

Some applicants have need of record keeping forms (weight records, genealogy records, etc.), or a variety of contracts (sales, consignment sales, hand-feeding, breeder loan). MAP sends these forms out to the new MAP participant upon request at no additional cost to the MAP member.

Inspection involves facilities, management practices, and record keeping. No data is collected on types of birds or numbers of birds owned or bred by participants. A list of MAP participants' names is published quarterly. Listing of address and phone number is optional.


Model Aviculture Program

Home Page

Preparing for MAP Certification:

The MAP Process

MAP's Key Elements

The Veterinarian's Role

Exotic Bird Farms

Closed Aviary Concept

Flock Health Management

Managing Flock Emergencies

Record Keeping

Submitting Your Application:

Guidelines and Forms

MAP Fees

About the Organization:

Why We Need MAP

MAP History

MAP Founders

MAP's Future

MAP's Board of Directors

Frequently Asked Questions

Recommended Reading

MAP Certified Facilities

Feedback Form