The Model Aviculture Program provides for facilities' inspections performed by state-licensed veterinarians. Placing the MAP inspection process in the hands of veterinarians means inspection by unbiased professionals. The integrity of MAP rests upon the integrity of the individual veterinarian performing the inspection.
For the inspection process to be successful, the veterinarian will need to be informed about avicultural husbandry practices and the Closed Aviary Concept. The veterinarian will also need to be flexible in approach to the varied types of facilities and record keeping practices.
The inspection process involves the veterinarian reviewing the MAP Guidelines and MAP Inspection Form prior to the inspection. Upon arrival at the facility, the veterinarian will need to observe the record keeping procedures and paperwork to see that the record system is functional, to observe the husbandry practices, to review the traffic flow at the facility, to walk through the facility, and to complete and sign the Inspection Form.
The veterinarian can either leave the completed Inspection Form, in triplicate, with the client, who will then send the completed Inspection Form, in triplicate, to the MAP office for processing, or the veterinarian can mail in the completed Inspection Form themselves, in triplicate, to the MAP office for processing. Inspection Forms are processed by the MAP staff, and applicants who pass, receive a signed and numbered Certificate indicating compliance with MAP standards.
Preparing for MAP Certification:
Submitting Your Application:
About the Organization: